“My Partner Has ED”: Here’s What You Can Do to Help Support Him
Published: September 28, 2023
Updated: January 29, 2025
4 mins
When your partner is dealing with erectile dysfunction (ED), it can have a negative impact on your relationship. Whether you’ve just started dating, you’ve been seeing your partner for a while, or you’re married, ED can be a tough issue for you both.
Fortunately, there are numerous ways to treat the symptoms of erectile dysfunction. Continue reading to learn more about ED and how you can navigate this issue with your partner.

What is Erectile Dysfunction?
Erectile dysfunction is a condition in which a man experiences difficulty in achieving or maintaining an erection firm enough for sex.
Technically, erectile dysfunction is not officially recognized as a disorder or medical condition, and there is no official diagnosis or cure for it. Fortunately, there are a number of treatment options available for men experiencing ED.
In many cases, erectile dysfunction only happens occasionally, and the couple can typically have sex without issue. However, for others, it can be so severe that erections become nearly impossible.
The occasional issue is completely normal, even for men who are healthy. But, when erectile difficulties become the standard instead of the exception, it may be a sign of a serious problem.
What Causes Erectile Dysfunction?
In most instances, erectile dysfunction is caused by physical issues relating to circulation and cardiovascular muscles. However, it can be caused by psychological issues as well.Often, erectile dysfunction is caused by a physical issue, then made worse by psychological issues.
Common triggers for erectile dysfunction include:
High cholesterol
Heart Disease
Spine or pelvic injuries
Alcohol or drug use
Nerve disorders
How Can You Help?
If your partner is experiencing erectile dysfunction, it can bring the “honeymoon phase” to a halt.
While it might be frustrating at times, you can use this issue as a way to develop a deeper bond with your partner.
Understand that ED is a common issue
Try not to blame yourself or your partner for the issues.
ED is actually very common, and is not a reflection of your partner’s attraction for you. In fact, it’s estimated that nearly 30 million men in the United States frequently experience erectile dysfunction.
Have the right mindset
There are lots of different ways that individuals and couples handle erectile dysfunction. Choosing a healthy approach and positive mindset will help you navigate this issue while keeping your relationship intact.
Here are some common scenarios couples find themselves in:
Worst Reaction: The couple grows to blame and resent each other for the problems and begin to withdraw from the relationship as a result. Often this will lead to seeking comfort with other people and infidelity, effectively ending the relationship.
Bad Reaction: The couple doesn’t acknowledge the problem and ignores any issues. Since the problem isn’t being addressed it will commonly get worse over time and start causing damage to the relationship.
Passive Reaction: The couple recognizes that there is a problem, but are largely resigned to their fate. They may seek treatment or medical advice, but only half-heartedly and without a strong conviction.
Best Reaction: The couple recognizes there is a problem and both partners become invested in trying to resolve the issue as quickly as possible. This mindset can often lead to stronger relationships by turning a negative occurrence into a positive one.
Consider couples’ therapy
Some surveys have found that erectile dysfunction can be a huge bigger detriment to a woman’s quality of life and sexual satisfaction.
Attending couples counseling sessions with a licensed therapist may help you and your partner communicate and resolve conflicts.
Online couples therapy is also an option. This type of therapy is especially ideal if you do not live in an area with many couples therapists.
Some couples may also benefit from sex therapy. These therapy sessions focus on problems involving sex and intimacy.
Experiment in the bedroom
To improve intimacy, you and your partner should attempt to find new ways to experience sexual pleasure. There are lots of different ways to have sex without an erection.
You might try enjoying more oral sex, using sex toys, and engaging in role-play. You and your partner shouldn’t be afraid to experiment sexually and discover new ways to pleasure each other.
Be supportive, patient, and understanding
Erectile dysfunction can be very damaging to a man’s ego.
If you have a partner with ED, it’s important to be patient, optimistic, and supportive as he seeks treatment. Remember that negative emotions such as stress, anxiety, or depression can often worsen erectile dysfunction.
What are Common Treatments for Erectile Dysfunction?
Depending on the root cause of the erectile dysfunction, some treatments will be more effective than others.
Sildenafil (also known as Viagra®) is an oral medication that’s commonly recommended for erectile dysfunction. The prescription medications Cialis® and Levitra are also used to resolve ED symptoms.
These prescription drugs work by expanding the blood vessels of the penis. This increases blood flow in the penis, resulting in an easily sustainable erection.
The effects of these medications usually last for about four to six hours, but may vary depending on factors like metabolism, dosage, and the severity of symptoms.
Lifestyle changes
Making certain lifestyle changes can go a long way in reducing ED symptoms and improving overall health.
A healthier diet: Replacing fatty, salty, and sugary foods with fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and fish can help reduce circulatory issues associated with ED.
More exercise: Getting at least 160 minutes of moderate exercise a week can help with blood flow and increase the strength of erections.
Cutting smoking: Tobacco products are extremely unhealthy and are one of the leading reasons.) for erectile dysfunction in young men.
How Rex MD Can Help
Erectile dysfunction is a fixable issue that does not need to permanently damage your romantic relationship.
With patience, understanding, and communication, you can resolve these issues to improve your relationship and sex life.
If your partner needs some guidance on appropriate ED treatments, send him our way for a virtual consultation.