Types of Penises
Published: April 23, 2024
Updated: February 04, 2025
4 mins

What is a Penis?
The penis is a pretty important part of the body for guys. For starters, it’s how men pee, but it’s also the male reproductive organ. And, to set the record straight, the penis is not a bone or a muscle.
This organ consists of several components – including the shaft, glans, foreskin (if present), and urethra.
The shaft is the main, visible part of the penis, while the glans refers to the sensitive tip.
The foreskin, if intact, is a fold of skin covering the glans. Some men may be circumcised, meaning they've had their foreskin surgically removed.
The urethra – a tube within the penis – plays a vital role in both urination and ejaculation.
While all healthy penises have the same functionality – urination and ejaculation – they don’t all look the same. Just like people, penises come in all shapes and sizes. Let’s take a look at the different types of penises.
What Does the Average Penis Look Like?
There’s no perfect penis – and size or girth don’t make a penis “good” or “bad”.
But “average” penises are determined through research. The average erect penis size is between 5.1 and 5.5 inches.
This being said, there are many varying penis types.
A penis can be a different color than the person it’s attached to. And as odd as that sounds, there’s a perfectly reasonable (and scientific) explanation.
Sex hormones regulate melanocyte cells. These are the cells responsible for pigmentation.
Your nipples are also not the same color as the rest of your body, right?
Other factors that contribute to penis color can be rising testosterone levels (brown or gray) or more blood flow during erections (reddish or purple).
Discoloration or hyperpigmentation is totally normal and nothing to be concerned about.
About 38% of men around the world have circumcised penises. In the U.S., it’s even more common.
That means that at some point (typically as a baby) their foreskin was removed – the extra layer of skin that would cover the head of the penis is no longer.
The reason for which parents circumcise their child could be religious or cultural, or the father may have just decided that what works for him should work for his son, too.
But all in all, whether a guy is circumcised or not really makes no difference.
Penises that haven’t had their foreskin removed are uncircumcised. When flaccid, only part of the head is visible. Once erect, the head will show depending on how much skin a man naturally has on his penis.
Growers refer to penises that get bigger when they’re hard. For some, the penis can increase in size about 60% from its flaccid state to fully erect.
Showers are penises that don’t get too much bigger once they get hard. This means that stimulated or not, the penis will be around the same size.
Obviously, hair is a natural part of any human body – and it can be on dicks, too. Some guys don’t have any hair on their shafts, but on others, you may be able to spot a hair or two.
Veins run throughout the entire body, and extra blood flow helps the penis get (and stay) hard after arousal. That’s why some veins become more pronounced when hard.
Smooth penises are ones that have no bumps or veins. If you’re in the mood for trying out some texture, opt for a ribbed condom for a whole new sensation.
While some freckles on a shaft won’t change the way a penis feels, they can add some extra flair to a johnson – if you’re into looking at them.
What are the Different Penis Shapes?
While some penises curve when they get hard, others stay straight from base to head. No need to wiggle around into potentially uncomfortable positions during sex with a penis that’s got no bend.
Curved upward
Similar to the shape of a banana, some penises curve upward when erect. This might even make stimulating the certain spots in female partners more accessible.
Curved downward
Like its counterpart, the downward curved dick could add a special touch in the bedroom in certain positions.
A right-leaning penis is nothing to be ashamed or nervous about. Experiment in the bedroom how the C-shaped curve could benefit you and your partner.
Large base with narrow head
A plus to a narrow headed penis is an easier entry in consenting partners. A gradual girth from base to head can help you and your partner ease into any position you’re willing to try.
Narrow base with wider head
A wider head can make for some extra friction during penetration. This means more stimulation for you and your partner.
What are the Different Penis Sizes?
Short and skinny
While some may try to rag on a penis that falls on the lower side of average, smaller penises don’t equal bad sex. Learning how to please your partner with what you’ve been endowed can result in some of the best sex you and your partner have ever had.
Short and girthy
Girthier penises are sure to get a partner stimulated, regardless of length. A wider shaft can really create some arousing friction on all your partner’s walls.
Average length and girth
For standard dicks, try playing around with positions or toys to make sex sure your sex is always above average.
Long and girthy
While some people may jump for joy at the sight of penis that’s long and thick, others may cower in intimidation. Either way, lube is your friend, so use it amply.
Long and skinny
A long and skinny dick may be longer than average, but lacking in the girth department. Worry not, certain positions – especially closed-legged ones – can ensure that everyone’s getting all the friction they need.
Micropenises are considered to be abnormally small – measuring less than 0.75 inches at birth when gently stretched and less than three inches in erect adults. They are caused by hormonal abnormalities in the womb or in infancy.
Males are typically diagnosed with micropenis in infancy or early childhood. Micropenises are very rare, affecting about 0.6% of people worldwide.
There are surgical procedures and testosterone therapies for men with micropenises who want to enlarge their penis size.
How Do You Know if You Have a Healthy Penis?
A healthy penis is one that’s kept clean, safe, and that can get an erection when needed. Be sure to properly clean your junk daily and to use protection with your sexual partner(s).
While a big part of erectile function is physiological, mental health plays a big role in being able to get it up or not.
Finding ways to gain confidence, lessening the stressors in your life, and stimulating your mind with activities you enjoy is just as important as taking care of your body with a balanced diet and regular exercise for getting and maintaining an erection for sex.
Get to know your manhood so you’re sure to notice if something doesn’t look quite right. If you become aware of lumps, bumps, discoloration, or discharge, be sure to seek medical attention.
All this being said, if you’re taking care of yourself, you’re probably doing a good job in maintaining penile health. But, if your sex life isn’t where you want it to be because you can’t always perform in the bedroom, Rex MD can help.
Rex MD helps guys in need of an extra boost in the bedroom get ED medications like Viagra and Cialis. If you qualify, the meds will be sent directly to your doorstep. The best part is that it all happens quickly and discreetly and you won’t have to even leave your house.