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What Is the Average Penis Size?

Published: 2023-02-10
Updated: 2025-02-05
4 mins

It’s normal for men to wonder whether their penis size is average, especially these days! 

Pornography and pop culture have over-emphasized the importance of penis size and length for years, meaning that even men with an above-average penis may feel inadequate in size. The same is true for full erections. 

Chances are your penis size is totally normal (it's the definition of average, after all), but whether you’re above or below the average, penis size matters a lot less than you probably think. And the research proves it.

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What Is the Average Size of a Penis?

There are over three billion men on planet earth, making it difficult to accurately determine an average for something as private as penis size. 

However, research has produced conclusions when it comes to the average penis size. According to a large study of over 15,000 men, the average penis is:

  • Flaccid penis length: 3.6 inches (9.16 cm)

  • Stretched penis length: 5.2 inches (13.24 cm)

  • Erect penis length 5.16 inches: (13.12 cm )

  • Flaccid penis circumference: 3.66 inches (9.31 cm)

  • Erect penis circumference: 4.59 inches (11.66 cm)

Another study of more than 1600 erect penises in the U.S. found that:

  • The average length of an erect penis is 5.57 (14.15 centimeters)

  • The average girth of a penis is 4.81 inches (12.23 centimeters)

Between these studies, we have a pretty good idea of average penis sizes, though it's probably not perfect data.

What’s the Correct Way To Measure Your Penis Size?

Now that we’ve determined the average penis size, you’re probably curious to determine where you fall on the spectrum of penises

Measuring Penis Length

  1. Place a ruler or measuring tape at the base of your flaccid penis where it connects to your lower abdomen.

  2. Be sure to press in firmly and make contact with the pubic bone to get an accurate size measurement, especially if you have excess belly fat.

  3. Note where the tip of your penis reaches on the ruler or tape when held in place. For true penis size, do not stretch the penis. (Note that the large study above measured average stretched penis length too!

Measuring Penis Girth

  1. It’s best to use a measuring tape or even sewing tape when measuring penis size and girth, but you can substitute string, thread, or yarn.

  2. Wrap your measuring tool around the thickest part of your shaft.

  3. If you aren’t using measuring tape, mark where the ends of the string meet. Measure the distance between these markings on a ruler to calculate your penis girth. 

What Does It Mean If You're Below the Average Penis Size?

A large section of the population falls below the average penis size – by definition, half of guys will be below the average, in fact!

Here's the thing about below-average penis size, however – penis size doesn’t matter as much as most men think it does (keep reading to learn more)!

Don’t be stressed, embarrassed, or concerned about size. Small penis anxiety and penis dysmorphia can be devastating to self-esteem. If you have concerns about your penis size, consider talking to a sex therapist. But most likely, your penis size is normal!

A penis' size is only scientifically classified as “small” if it’s under three inches in length when fully erect. This condition is known as a micropenis, and it only affects 0.5% of men.  

Does Penis Size Really Matter?

Your penis size isn’t as important as you think. Although men may believe that bigger is always better, women don’t always agree.

One study found that nearly 85 percent of women were satisfied with the size of their partner’s penis. Meanwhile, only 55% of the men in the same study reported being satisfied with their penis size. 

Clearly there’s a disconnect here, and the vast majority of women are happy with their partner’s penis size, shape, and length.

Even if women are curious about experiencing an above-average penis or a bigger size, other research suggests they rarely want them in the long-term. 

Although a vagina can stretch, it has limits. A large penis can cause pain or discomfort, rip or tear the vagina, and lead to a greater risk for infections. Vaginas come in all shapes and sizes, just like a penis. For a woman with a tighter or shallow vagina, sex with a large penis could be very painful. 

Big or small, remember that the size of the penis isn’t everything—it’s about what you can do with it. 

Are There Any Ways To Make My Penis Bigger?

Although size and length doesn’t matter based on most surveys, you may still want to make your penis look bigger. Outside of expensive surgeries and transplants, there are only a few options for penis size enlargement

While none of the following actually affect your length and girth, these approaches can help you feel more confident in your cock  size.

Oral Medications

Taking erectile dysfunction medications like Viagra® (sildenafil), Cialis® (tadalafil), or Levitra® (vardenafil) can provide stronger erections that make you feel bigger and more confident. 

These medications require a prescription and are intended to treat ED. They increase the amount of blood flowing into your penis and reduce the amount flowing out, resulting in an erection. 

These drugs’ effects generally last for four to six hours, but duration may vary based on metabolism and dose. 

Learn more and find out if an online prescription might be right for you, with Rex MD.

Lose A Little Weight

Men often feel like their penis is too small even if their measurements are totally normal. 

Appearances can be deceiving. If you’re overweight, obese, or have a “beer gut,” your penis might appear smaller than it is. 

Due to an increase in belly and thigh fat, your penis can become “buried” and appear smaller. This is called buried penis syndrome. Losing weight helps make your penis look bigger and can also help reduce the risk of erectile dysfunction. A body mass index (BMI) of more than 25 increases your likelihood of developing difficulties with erections.

Generally speaking, maintaining a healthy weight can be a great way to boost the appearance and capabilities of your penis. 

Shave Around Your Member

Just as losing weight can make your penis look bigger, shaving can expose more of your penis to create the illusion of length or size. 

Think of it like a giraffe hiding in a large bush. Sure, you can see the neck and head of the giraffe, but you’d probably think it was much taller if the bush was trimmed down. 

Use a Vacuum Pump

Vacuum pumps can be a quick way to create a stronger erection. This device slides over your penis and creates a vacuum around it. The ensuing suction draws blood into your penis and creates an erection. 

Once enough blood has entered your penis to achieve an erection, remove the device and slip on a constriction band or “cock ring.” This band will keep the blood trapped in your penis and maintain the erection. 

Partners often find that vacuum pumps are a fun addition to intimacy, too, and can spice up your romantic life in addition to being functional. They won't do much for size, but they can be great fun.

The Takeaway

Whatever the numbers say or what you may think, penis size isn’t as big of a deal as men often think it is. 

Don’t let your perception of what sexual partners may want give you low self-esteem, and don’t let the skewed pornography industry sway your opinion of appropriate penis sizes. Most women are happy with their partner's penis size, and research shows that men's perception is skewed when it comes to being comfortable with their penises.

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