Porn-Induced Erectile Dysfunction: How Does it Happen?
April 30, 2021
4 mins
One of the more interesting phenomena surrounding erectile dysfunction is when seemingly healthy and sexually active men find themselves unable to perform. Medical exams will reveal nothing physically wrong or causing erectile dysfunction, yet still they suffer the effects of erectile dysfunction (ED).
Only after reviewing their personal habits will a potential culprit be discovered: a habit of watching too much pornoraphy, or porn.
While watching porn is not inherently bad or particularly harmful to most people, it can have the potential to contribute to real world sexual problems, especially when it becomes a regular habit.
Does Porn Cause Erectile Dysfunction?
For the most part, frequently watching porn may result in a man’s sexual appetite changing, possibly to such a degree that he no longer becomes aroused by real life sexual interactions. This is the key principle of porn-induced ED and there may be research to defend this belief.
In 2016, an article published in the journal Behavioral Sciences stated that more young men had been seeking help for erectile dysfunction and that the reason was most likely due to the desensitizing effects of “hardcore” pornography.
The article drew upon previous case studies and a review of research in order to argue that:
Pornography may decrease a man’s satisfaction with his own body, triggering anxiety during sex.
Men who view pornography may need to progressively increase their sexual stiumlation in order to feel and remain aroused.
The use of pornography might change the way that the brain reacts to arousal, making a man less likely to feel aroused by a real-life partner.
Using sex toys might desensitize nerves in the penis, making it more difficult to get an erection because the nerves would require more physical stimulation.
The lead author of the study, Gary Wilson, is a founder of an organization that campaigns against pornography. So questions of bias have arised.
Other studies have found the link between pornography and erectile dysfunction to be rather weak. A 2015 analysis of two large, cross-sectional studies found that while there is a link between erectile dysfunction and pornography, the connection is very modest at best. In addition, men who engaged in “moderate” amount of internet pornography reported more instances of erectile dysfunction than those engaging in “high” or “low” amounts. This would undermine the theory that excessive use of pornography can be desensitizing.
Does Porn Affect Sexual Function at all?
While the studies into erectile dysfunction have been inconclusive, there are some ways that porn may influence sexual behaviors.
One such way is “sexual anorexia,” which is a pathological loss of appetite for sexual interactions. People with this affliction may avoid, fear, or dread sexual intimacy. While this specific diagnosis is not a direct result of too much pornography, it may a contributing factor. One thing that experts do agree on is that watching pornography can influence sexual appetite. This could make it more difficult to achieve an erection and have an orgasm with a partner. Pornography will often unleash a person’s true desires and proclitivies, and they may struggle to become aroused when they are not involved.
Another potential issue is that pornography can create unrealistic expectations of what sex should look like, what your partner should look like, and what should happen. Pornography can engender shame if someone feels like they are not living up to the standards of the actors involved.
Other Potential Causes of ED
In traditional examples of erectile dysfunction, a man is unable to achieve or maintain an erection firm enough for penetrative sex. There are many causes and several risk factors that will influence this condition, most of what are related to age. However, erectile dysfunction is a complicated issue and there can be more than one cause.
For example, a man may have a physical ailment that makes it more difficult to sustain an erection. This may trigger anxiety, which then intensifies the problem. More frequent bouts of erectile dysfunction may create problems with the relationship, and the issue ends up becomng even worse. There is such a thing as secondary erectile dysfunction, which develops later in life after a long period of being able to maintain erections, and is the most common form of erectile dysfunction. Secondary erectile dysfunction is also the type that is most likely to be blamed on pornography.
Primary erectile dysfunction, which occurs when a man has never been able to achieve an erection, is very rare and is almost always the result of a severe underlying condition.
Some of the most common examples of secondary erectile dysfunction include:
Psychological issues such as body image issues or sexual anxiety
Problems with a relationship
Blood vessel disorders, including those that result from heart issues
Neurological damage, often the result of diabetes
Prostate disorders
Smoking-induced atherosclerosis which clogs arteries
Most often, periodic difficulties with achieving or maintaining an erection are typically the result of stress. A man who only experiences the occasional erectile dysfunction is unlikely to be diagnosed with it or any other related medical condition.
Physical Causes of ED
There are a number of health problems that can cause erectile dysfunction by damaging the nerves or narrowing blood vessels. When blood vessels become more narrow, it will become harder for the penis to fill with the blood needed to achieve erection.
Some of the common issues that create these issues are:
Cardiovascular disease
High blood pressure or hypertension
Spinal cord injuries
Nerve damage from surgeries
Prostatitis and other prostate related disorders
Additionally, there are mental health conditions that may play a role in erectile dysfunction such as anxiety disorders or depression. Certain drugs, including antidepressants and blood pressure medication, may make it more difficult to achieve an erection as well.
How to Fix Porn-Induced ED
Again, pornography does not appear to be causally linked to ED according to recent research, but if you're experiencing anxiety around this issue, it makes sense to take a porn hiatus. This can help you assess whether it's affecting your sex life, sexual performance, sexual satisfaction, and/or relationships. This break can possibly even fix the ED you're experiencing. A one or two-month period of abstinence may be a good reset button for your body and mind, and you may find that your sexual appetite – and even your partners' satisfaction – improves.
ED has a variety of originating factors, and a doctor's opinion can help in finding the right intervention or medication. At Rex MD, we connect guys with doctors through virtual visits so, if approved, they can order the ED medications they need. Our virtual visits are free, and ordering is simple.
How Rex MD Can Help
While pornography may play a small role in affecting sexual performance, there isn’t enough evidence to list it as a direct cause of erectile dysfunction.
Erectile dysfunction, in general, is a physical issue that the body experiences. There are definitely psychological issues that can influence it as well, but the issue generally stems from a lack of blood flow to the penis. Pornography can create a few different psychological issues that will impact how sexual activities are viewed and sexual appetite in general, but most likely not enough to truly cause erectile dysfunction consistently.