Best Sleep Ever with Rex MD

Studies have shown that adequate sleep, between 7 and 9 hours for adults, can improve cognition, mood, and immune function. But new research reveals that it’s not just hours of sleep that count toward mental health benefits, it’s the consistency of your sleep.

Prescription Medication

Free Rush Discreet Delivery

Ongoing Medical Support

Enjoy Longer-Lasting Sleep

Don’t Let Sleep
Hold You Back

One third of U.S. adults report that they usually get less than the recommended amount of sleep. Not getting enough sleep is linked with many chronic diseases and conditions such as type 2 diabetes, heart disease, obesity, and depression.

Getting enough sleep is not a luxury—it is something you need for good health.

It’s not just about falling asleep,

It’s about staying asleep.

Rex MD offers nonaddictive meds to help you stay asleep for up to 7 hours

The “1-2-3 Trick”
for Longer-Lasting Sleep


30 minutes before bedtime,
take your med and perform your nightly routine.


Enjoy up to seven hours of uninterrupted sleep.


Wake up feeling refreshed and ready.

A message from
Dr. Anthony Puopolo

— Chief Medical Officer for REX MD

Don't Let Your Night Ruin Your Day

I think most folks would agree with me on this one: sleep is important. Healthy sleep can help relieve stress, enhance recovery, and improve your overall quality of life.

But there’s a problem: researchers estimate that at least 1 in 3 people get less than the recommended amount of sleep. As a doctor, I can tell you that not getting enough sleep is linked with many illnesses and conditions.

If you’ve suffered from insomnia, you know how frustrating and difficult this issue can be. Sadly, most guys have trouble receiving the proper help they need from their doctors...

And the idea of buying an over-the-counter sleep product at the drug store, which may not even work, can be disheartening to say the least. Fortunately, REX MD is here for you.

As one of the world’s leading digital health clinics, we take the hassle, expense, and confusion out of treating this issue. Rex MD offers FDA approved nonaddictive sleep aid designed for those who have difficulty staying asleep.

When you place your order today, your prescription is shipped quickly and discreetly — straight to your door upon approval. So, click the Order Now button below, and enjoy better, longer lasting sleep you deserve.