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A Comprehensive Guide to a Gluten-Free Diet

Though harmless to most, gluten can be dangerous for people with celiac disease and certain other conditions. Learn more about if a gluten-free diet is right for you and how to incorporate this method of eating into your life.

How to Increase Stamina

Low stamina can make it difficult to complete demanding physical activities, including sex. Here are a few things that can help to boost performance.

How Telehealth Facilitates ED Treatment

Telehealth is the delivery of health care remotely – and it's helping guys access safe and effective ED treatments without having to leave home.

Premature Aging: Is Your Body Aging Faster Than it Should Be

Feel like you're aging faster than you should? Here are some potential red flags, as well as ways to slow down the process.

Best Vitamins for Men: Secrets to Aging Gracefully

Vitamins are important to your health at any time but become even more essential as you age. Here are some key nutrients to help you age gracefully.

Age and Sexual Function: What’s the Connection?

Age plays a major role in sexual function. Discover the impact of aging on sexual function and some effective ways to manage the changes happening to your body – so you don’t have to sacrifice your sex life.

How to Deal with Erectile Dysfunction in a Marriage

Discover how to address erectile dysfunction and strengthen your relationship with these essential insights and strategies.

Effects of Depression on Male Performance in Bed

Depression impacts all aspects of your life, not just mood and outlook. Here's a closer look at how depression can impact men's sex lives.

Does Masturbation Affect Testosterone Levels in Men?

There's a growing body of men citing the benefits of quitting masturbating to increase testosterone. Here's what you need to know about testosterone levels and masturbation.

Can You Get an Erection Without Testes?

Explore the causes of testicular loss, and find out ways to keep your sexual life thriving after surgery.

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